If a learner has an evaluation that is required as a part of their curriculum, you can make a required evaluation ‘not required’ (or ‘exempt’) on a one-time basis.  The learner will still have access to the courseware and test, but will not have any specific due date and will not appear in reports related to required evaluations.


To grant an exemption, select a user account, and click the ‘Curriculum Exemptions’ menu option.



This will open a list of all the required evaluations for the user.  Expand the evaluation you would like to exempt, and click the ‘Grant Exemption’ button to make this evaluation ‘not required’ for this user.

If you need to reverse the Exemption, you can simply click "Make Required" to have the course added back to the users curriculum requirements. 

Exemptions are not applied to future evaluation releases of the course and if required, must be granted in future versions using this same process.