After enrolling in the certification program, you will receive instructions on how to access AIS Central, the online learning website where you complete online training and tests required by the CMAC program.  

After logging into AIS Central, click the CMAC link from AIS Central to see a list of your completed courses and the courses you have yet to complete. 


Note that the lookback period of qualifying learning requirements is six months from your date of enrollment.  Once you enroll in the CMAC program, those courses you have credit for on the day of enrollment, are “locked in” and will not be taken away. Courses completed more than six months ago will need to be re-submitted to qualify toward your CMAC certification.  The sooner you enroll, the sooner you can lock in your completed learning.

The required CMAC training and evaluations are the found in the My Evaluations tab in AIS Central.  

If all of the required CMAC courses do not appear for you, you may need to change the Curriculum filter in the top-left corner of the screen from "Show Required" to "Show All".