Curriculum - Status of Required Items

This report allows you to see the progress of users towards the completing an entire curriculum.  A curriculum is a series of  evaluations that can be set as being required for a specific discipline.  Note that curriculums are an optional feature in AIS Central.  If you are not using them, this report will be blank.


This report offers a great deal of flexibility in the report options.  Beyond the standard filtering by region and location, you can also narrow down your report to specific users or a specific discipline.  The report options also allow you to select one or more courses and you can select specific evaluations within those courses.  You can also filter the report by showing only users who have passed or who have failed.


In the sample report output below, the report excerpt is showing a user who has several required evaluations, but has not successfully completed any of them because the ‘Date Passed’ column is blank.  Note also that the evaluations are not overdue for this user because the ‘Days Overdue’ column shows a negative number, meaning there are still 175 days available for this user to complete their evaluations.  A positive number in this column indicates an overdue evaluation.


A ‘Take Number’ column was recently added to this report to show you how many tries it took the learner to pass the evaluation.  A large number here might be a warning flag.


Sample Output:

R207 CDN.png