Intent of the Education Playbook

The Education Playbook is intended to provide you with a framework for delivering RAI education throughout your organization. This framework will allow you to achieve your business and educational objectives, and to maximize the value you receive from the AIS RAI 3.0 Courseware.

The recommendations in the Playbook are based on feedback and discussions with various stakeholder groups and reflect the majority of the needs identified by these groups. We recognize that no two provider organizations are alike so, we encourage you to closely review the education framework and modify it to your organization’s unique circumstances.

Solution Overview

The AIS RAI 3.0 Courseware provides in-depth education that helps learners to understand the skilled nursing facility (SNF) RAI MDS 3.0, PPS RUG IV and Quality Measure regulations. The main component of the Courseware is AIS Central, an employee-centered education portal that provides access to eTraining modules, Competency Testing, and the Education Dashboard.

The eTraining contains the following modules:

  • MDS 3.0 Series

  • RUG IV/PPS and RUG IV for Rehab

  • QMs & the MDS 3.0

  • Beneficiary Notices

  • Reference:

    • PUSH Tool
    • PHQ-9
  • Respiratory Therapy

  • Understanding Consolidated Billing

  • Documenting ADLs (available in English and Spanish)

  • ICD-10-CM for LTC

  • RAIQ Testing

The eTraining module content is updated regularly to reflect changes in the RAI 3.0 initiated by CMS, and the Competency Testing questions are updated annually.

Learning Styles

Adult learning theory recognizes that different people have different learning styles:

  • Visual learners prefer written material and graphic presentation of information.

  • Auditory learners prefer verbal presentation of information.

  • Kinesthetic learners prefer hands-on methods of learning.

AIS’s Courseware has been developed to appeal to different learning styles. Content has been developed using visual and auditory components in combination with interactive activities to increase learning and retention for the majority of adult learners.

Learning Models

Various learning models can be used for educating staff in the facility, depending upon the situation, time constraints, and experience of the learners. Often a Blended Learning approach, which combines different models, is used to maximize the learning experience. AIS’s Courseware can be used to support the different learning models:

  • Fully Self-Directed Learning
    In a self-directed learning model, learners access the Courseware independently, either as directed (for example, during initial roll-out of the Courseware), or as needed (for example, when the learner has a specific question).

  • Educator-Led Learning
    With the educator-led model, group training is provided by the organization’s educator (or a consultant) using the Courseware as the basis for the training.

  • Group-Led Learning With Facilitator
    This model is used for training on a specific section, using a facilitator from within the organization who is a subject matter expert. Prior to the training, the facilitator reviews the applicable section of the Courseware and completes the post-test (and, ideally, meets with the educator to review the test results and ask any questions).

  • One-on-One With Identified Mentor
    In this model, mentoring is provided by an individual who has demonstrated competency in both the RAI process and the AIS Courseware. It is used most often for employees who have been unsuccessful completing the tests on multiple occasions.

  • Workflow Learning
    Workflow learning technology allows the learner to access the right education during the course of performing the tasks. For example, while completing an MDS assessment, the employee would be able to access the right section of the right eTraining module for the specific MDS item or assessment.

For more information about the learning models, including recommendations for when to use each of the different models, see Appendix B.

Keys to Success

In order to achieve a smooth roll-out of the Courseware, and successful education for the staff, it is important to follow the certain key steps:

  • Careful planning prior to implementation, including making decisions as an organization about the roll-out plan, timing, remedial training, and refresher training (see the next section, “Planning the Education”, starting on page ).

  • Communication is absolutely vital, both before and during roll-out, and to all levels of the organization (see “Communication” on page  for more details).

  • Compliance monitoring is crucial and needs to be communicated frequently. If the Curriculum Management functionality is used, the compliance report can simply be downloaded into Excel and distributed to the appropriate staff for follow up (see Completion and Compliance Monitoring on page  for more details).

The remaining sections of the Education Playbook discuss: Planning the Education, Delivering the Education, and Managing High-Impact Areas of your organization.